Online digital marketing

Show, Don’t Tell

Marketing “ploys” are riddled with catch phrases and reasons why you MUST HAVE such and such an item, or why such and such a service is MUCH BETTER than their competitors’. However, in today’s marketplace of savvy consumers, they no longer buy into fluff such as this. They don’t want

Digital Story Telling

Tell A Story, Gain An Audience, Collect A Customer

In the game of Monopoly, if you pass Go – you collect $200. In the real world, converting an action into a (positive) reaction isn’t always as simple, especially when it comes to converting an online viewer into an actual customer. What’s In It For Me Whether it’s traditional marketing

Blog Content Creation

Creative Content Not Lost to a Digital World

At Net360 Solutions, we understand that creative content counts for a lot where Google – as well as readers – are concerned. Blogs that offer “searchable” key phrases to increase your SEO content, in addition to interesting topics that hold a readers interest, combined with providing valuable information for your

Rate of Investment – What is Online Content Really Worth?

Content teams at the head offices of corporate giants, scramble daily to maintain the lead role on “the Google”. Online marketing gurus worldwide, all clamber to keep up with the ever-changing rules of Google, to ensure they maintain top spot on a daily basis of this search engine mogul. From

The Marketing of Content

There are mixed opinions as to whether or not people read what’s on any given website. We can tell that kind of information by how long any visitor stays on a page – knowing how much content that page contains, and converting that info into actual data. That is why

Staying Relevant In An Every-Changing (Web) World

Whether your business is new to the online genre, or has had an online presence for some time now, Net360 Solutions ensures your site stays in step with the trends that affect your Google ranking. In August and September of 2012 alone, Google made 65 updates to their algorithm processes,

Online Marketing …The Makings of Success

Online Marketing …The Mix That Works Modern business owners know that having an online presence is an essential part of their marketing mix, as it offers an additional buying outlet for their customers. However, there are factors to consider when creating your online marketing campaign, factors that enable your “mix”

Blog it and they will come…

What is blogging and why should a business participate in a blog? Blogging is essentially a well-crafted, well-written, online diary of thoughts and ideas. Short articles intended to generate a following of interested and qualified readers. Businesses cannot only gain creative exposure through this medium, but they can also increase