Did you know that Google’s request for the keyword “SEO” returns over 35 million search engine results? Yes …MILLION. That is why it is imperative to have a diversified array of keywords associated with your product or service. There is a myriad of SEO companies out there all vying for …
Give Back …Get Back
From Safeway to Petro Canada, Chapters to Starbucks …everyone seems to have a loyalty program. Loyalty programs tell your customers that you appreciate the fact that they choose to buy from your store, and you offer them a reward in return. But there is a variety of ways for small …
Out Of The Box Marketing …think in “alternate shapes” and get noticed
A lot of small businesses shy away from being too cutting edge, as they don’t want to step too far out of their comfort zone as it pertains to traditional marketing. Nor do they want to potentially corner themselves into a niche marketplace However, ever since the Internet came to …
Boost Your SEO …with social media
Did you know that 85% of your online presence is dependent on “organic links”. Meaning, when people filter into your site through another means such as social media outlets …Google takes note. As a business owner, the message most SEO company’s will drive home to you is that you need …
Being Fashionable AND Functional …with your email marketing
Email marketing has been around for quite some time, and a lot of businesses continue to send out the eNewletter that has “always worked” for them. But does that newsletter continue to engage your audience? To get the most out of your email marketing campaigns, ensure your content is current, …
YouTube …added exposure without the need for a spotlight
Unless you have aspirations to be nominated for an Actors Guild Award, most people do not have a strong desire to get in front of the camera. As such, most businesses opt out of utilizing YouTube as a means of marketing themselves online. However, there are many ways to create …
Pinterest …a Refreshing Refresher
Perhaps you thought your smattering of social media posts on Facebook – and possibly Twitter – were doing the sufficient job you believed was necessary for your Google search efforts. Well, we have a “contender” of sorts, or at least another socialite to add to your social media mix. Pinterest …
SEO …Got Game?
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO as it’s most often referred to as, is an ever-changing entity. Regardless of the changes, and the efforts of every SEO company to stay ahead of the curve (or curse) of such changes, SEO is an imperative part of your online presence. Here are the …
Google > shifting from Places to + (Plus)
Google is by far the most popular and frequently used search engine in the world. Millions of people use Google’s search engine every day to help them find the information they need. Not only that, but Google is constantly tweaking and testing their search engine algorithm to ensure they give …
Social Networking …A Widening Net
All online socialites are well aware of the not-so-new guilty pleasure known as Pinterest. This third largest social medium is no small player via the online social scene. Pinterest is reigning in a user base that continues to grow, and should not be a force that is ignored in the …
Staying Relevant In An Every-Changing (Web) World
Whether your business is new to the online genre, or has had an online presence for some time now, Net360 Solutions ensures your site stays in step with the trends that affect your Google ranking. In August and September of 2012 alone, Google made 65 updates to their algorithm processes, …
Online Marketing …The Makings of Success
Online Marketing …The Mix That Works Modern business owners know that having an online presence is an essential part of their marketing mix, as it offers an additional buying outlet for their customers. However, there are factors to consider when creating your online marketing campaign, factors that enable your “mix” …